Formerly queer man shares his astounding transformation after giving his life to Christ (video)

Prophet Aaron Akrong, who was formerly queer, has shared his transformation after giving his life to Christ.


The Ghanaian prophet, who is now in charge of a church, was once a heavy smoker who had piercings all over his body and was known to expose most of his body.


Formerly queer man shares his astounding transformation after giving his life to Christ (video)
Formerly queer man shares his astounding transformation after giving his life to Christ (video)


Now, he is a prophet who conducts deliverance on people.


He took to Instagram to share a video of himself before giving his life to Christ and now that he is in Christ.


He wrote in the caption: “As difficult, confusing and frustrating as it seems, it is possible with God.”


Formerly queer man shares his astounding transformation after giving his life to Christ (video)


Watch the video below.




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