Eedris Abdulkareem

Eedris Abdulkareem, the controversial veteran singer, has shared his opinion on the present crop of Nigerian musicians.

He claimed that the younger generation of musicians mainly capitalizes on the labour of veterans for their selfish gains.

The ‘Jaga Jaga’ crooner urged Nigerian singers to use their platforms to fight against societal ills instead of promoting frivolities.

In an interview with SRTV, Abdulkareem said, “The younger generation of [Nigerian] musicians are not ready.

“They are just there to capitalize on what we worked for and make money for themselves. They are very selfish people.

“They feel they and their family have Visas to flee the country if crisis arises but they should remember that their extended family members don’t have Visas.

“They will all die here. So, don’t be selfish. Use your music to talk about ills in society as much as you are using your music to promote frivolities.”

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