• Health Sciences;
  • Molecular Medicine;
  • Neuroscience;
  • Infection & Immunity;
  • Genomics in Society

Annually, each research master program has two scholarships available. Please do note that if you apply for multiple scholarships a separate application is required for each of them.


€15000 to subsidize living costs and a waiver of the non-EEA institutional fee (the statutory tuition fee needs to be paid by the student).

The grant will be paid in monthly installments  (first month €2350, following months €1150). The scholarship is granted for one year and will be continued for the second year if you complete your first year.


  • When you apply for the scholarship you have applied/have been admitted to one of the Erasmus MC research master programs;
  • Your study results are very good and you are strongly motivated to start the program;
  • You are considered to be a high achieving student according to Erasmus MC’s standards;
  • You are unable to finance your study yourself;
  • You have not obtained a diploma at an education institution in the Netherlands;
  • You have never been enrolled as a full-degree student at an educational institution in the Netherlands;
  • Once you have been granted the scholarship you have to reside in the Netherlands to open a Dutch bank account in order to receive the scholarship. Please be aware that opening a bank account can take a while, so make sure you have enough funds to cover your first month in the Netherlands.

Applicable to:

  • Nationalities: Non-EEA
  • Partcipating faculties: Erasmus MC
  • Level of study: Master

Application Documents

  • Letter of motivation
  •  CV plus grades list
  •  Budget plan

The budget plan should consist of an overview of all (expected) income and expenses

Method of Application

You can apply by sending a letter of motivation, your CV plus grades list, and a budget plan in one pdf to internationaloffice@erasmusmc.nl. Please use the following file name: <Student number, Last Name, First Name (name of research master).pdf.

The budget plan should consist of an overview of all (expected) income and expenses.

Deadline: Applications for next academic year can be submitted until April 15. Students who have been granted a scholarship will be informed via email no later than the end of May.

For More Information,

Visit the Official Webpage

Application Deadline: April 15, 2024.

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